2010 R&D teams and temporary office were established

  2011 Devoted to research and development of compounded microbial reagents

Successful development of compounded microbial products for use in agriculture, fishery and livestock

Eco Life Water Co., Ltd. established

Passed SGS certifications (tests for restricted animal use drugs, heavy metals, pathogen contaminations)

Stationed at the Tatung University Innovation and Incubation Center

2012 Livestock products passed the tests by the Hunan Province Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and obtained four safety labels and sales permit

Passed the 2012 Small Business Innovation Voucher by the Small and Medium Business Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs

Successful development of bacterial product for degradation of oily sewage

Successful development of products for sewage degradation and deodorization in septic tank

2013年 Passed the 2013 Small Business Innovation Voucher by the Small and Medium Business Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs

Successful commercialization test of bacterial products for degradation of oily sewage

Successful commercialization test of bacterial products for degradation of organic sewage

Successful development of high efficient microbial product for ammonia nitrogen degradation

Successful development of high efficient microbial product for ammonia nitrogen degradation

1F., No.414, Wanda Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 10872, Taiwan (R.O.C.) TEL: (02)2585-1131 COPYRIGHT©2011 Eco-LifeWater All Rights Reserved. Keran Design