The main research and development team of our company is comprised of a group of experts with expertise in microbial culturing and bioprocess scale-up technologies. Following the green chemistry concept, we use naturally safe bacterial strains that comply with the GRAS announcements (Generally Regarded As Safe) and design combinations of microbial reagents for different purposes. Each different microbial strain has its special growth characteristics and functions. The ordinary commercial microbial products have problem of decreased functions due to the antagonistic relationship within different strains of microbes. To address this problem, we collaborated with the laboratories at the Tatung University Innovation and Incubation Center and conducted research and development with their experts of many years of excellence experience in microbial fermentation technology. In addition, we also provide customization services to produce high quality products for our clients. As a result, the screening and identification of our company’s microbial strains, scale-up of fermentation process, and final products are guarded by well-know academic experts, allowing us to present the highest quality and functional products to our customers, satisfying their needs and safety concern.

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